Ultra-sloth #MixUpYourRun

I did it! I am now officially an ultra-marathoner! As you can imagine it has been a busy weekend, so I will admit straight away that the 40 Days of Fitness Challenge was put on hold.  Whilst Saturday’s challenge looked fairly easy I didn’t think it was advisable to try …

It’s the Final Threshold #MixUpYourRun

Apologies (not really), for the ear-worm if it has transferred itself to you. Yesterday was my final threshold session before Sunday’s Hugin Challenge, no more running for me until then (I am not counting my planned stint as tail-runner at parkrun on Saturday). 23 mins, with a 5 minute interval …

Taper Time #MixUpYourRun

I forgot to blog….I started typing up a post on my work laptop, then I got distracted by work and it never got finished. It has all turned a bit manic in the office recently, I am being loaned out to another project on a 50% basis, which of course …