Training Log: 18-11-16
Short and sharp on the run front today with a @trainasone #sprintervals session. The weather is finally cooling down and I even managed to run in a long sleeve top today without melting! from Instagram:
Short and sharp on the run front today with a @trainasone #sprintervals session. The weather is finally cooling down and I even managed to run in a long sleeve top today without melting! from Instagram:
Stoked to have a copy of @gentlemanrhymer’s latest album, There’s a Rumpus Going On, to review! Managed to find my external drive and have synced to my phone to listen to on tomorrow’s run 😄 #chaphop from Instagram:
I stumbled across this Handwriting Practice book in @flyingtigeruk yesterday. It’s going to be great for me to do some calligraphy practice in! #flyingt #bulletjournal #bulletjournaljunkies #calligraphy #lettering from Instagram:
I was really lazy on Monday, I skipped my planned yoga sessions, worked all day and went for a walk to the supermarket in the evening. At least I ate healthily and avoided fillin up on crap. Today wasn’t much better, two planned yoga classes skipped, and I procrastinated on …
As mentioned previously, I am dabbling with Bullet Journaling at the moment and am using a mix of paper and digital formats. I have a few digital programs and apps in use at the moment whilst I work out which is best for me. Here’s a To Do list page …