Thank you 2017!

2017 has been quite the whirlwind, and saw a good 6 months of solid progress in my running, with 2 strong ultra races completed.  I couldn’t have done this without the team at TrainAsONE and Amanda Tress’s FASTer Way To Fat Loss program*. A rocky start to racing in March …

Reduced snot, recommenced training

A hectic month at work, a bout of laziness and a full-on snot/coughing sickness (I’m a girl so I can’t call it ‘flu) meant that I only ran 20km in November, and only completed 4 FASTer Way To Fat Loss* workouts. Slightly less than ideal, but it could be worse, …

The incredible shrinking (& strengthening) Kat

It’s been a while since my last running and fitness post, my last real update was about my Moonlight Challenge race back in March.  It didn’t go to plan, mostly because I didn’t follow my plan (and instead ran by feel).  It was at this point that I realised that …