Freebie Friday: Penny a Day Savings Tracker

It’s Freebie Friday once again! This week we’re sticking to the savings theme, but this time a Penny a Day tracker. For each day of the year you save the penny amount of the day (or mix and match throughout the year). Once you’ve saved all the amounts you’ll have …

Freebie Friday: 52 Week Savings Tracker

Hey lovely readers! For my first #freebiefriday of 2018 I’ve done a printable of a savings tracker I had in my paper Bullet Journal last year. Each week you just need to save the amount stated in one of the boxes.  You can go from low to high, high to …

Reduced snot, recommenced training

A hectic month at work, a bout of laziness and a full-on snot/coughing sickness (I’m a girl so I can’t call it ‘flu) meant that I only ran 20km in November, and only completed 4 FASTer Way To Fat Loss* workouts. Slightly less than ideal, but it could be worse, …

Tailfish’s Bullet Journal Essentials

Back in January I wrote Tailfish’s 7 Rules of Bullet Journaling, and Rule 7 was “You make the rules”.  I figured it was time that I showed you how I Bullet Journal, not only because it is awesome and works brilliantly for me, but because it shows that you can …