It’s been a slightly off week on the training front. I took the week off work to travel with the Boyf whilst he did a week studying away, in the end though we drove back & forth rather than staying in a hotel. This meant 3+ hours a day in the car, and too early a start to feel like doing my FASTer Way To Fat Loss workouts* before we left, and I was too wiped when I got home in the evening.
My main focus of the week was getting some personal project stuff done (you can read about February’s fitness challenge and my 30 day social media challenge here), so instead of stressing over not working out I focused on keeping my eating in check and sticking to my intermittent fasting! Considering I was spending my days camped in a coffee shop I think I did rather well!
I did manage to fit some runs in though, so I wasn’t parked on my butt the whole time!
With 69 days to SDW50 I am making sure I get fully back on track this week. I’ve planned out my FWTFL sessions and added my TrainAsONE sessions to my OneNote Fitness Journal. It will be interesting to see how the TrainAsONE plan updates once I do each session. It’ll assess my fitness and effort level and make me work harder (or not) as it sees fit! It can be a bit odd knowing that the runs you think you are doing on a Sunday are not always the runs you end up doing, but it’s nice to be kept focused and know that you are working at just the right level to get fit and ready for your goal race!
Do you plan out your exercise ahead of time? Or just wing it? Let me know what you’ve got planned for the week!