Well it looks like 2019 is off to a solid start. 2018 was a bit wobbly for me it has to be said. Work was crazy, I had to travel more than expected and to be honest I wasn’t exercising as much as I needed to.
It’s a tricky balance, not enough exercise and I get grumpy, I lose fitness and tone and generally am not that happy. Work is really important to me though, and sometimes I choose work over the non-work stuff. That meant I ditched a bunch of my planned races and because I wasn’t racing I wasn’t training.
I’ve kept things fairly light on the race front for 2019, but I am determined to find a better work/life balance. I need to trust my team more and I need to make sure that when people don’t deliver quite enough that they fix it not me. It’s hard for me to delegate, especially when It’s bitten me in the ass on more than one occasion but I do think I have improved at doing so in the last 9 months or so.
One thing I am really pleased with is that I kept my Tailfish 30 Day Challenge group running for the full year, and we’re still going strong! Month one of 2019 is already done and February’s challenges (abs & lunges) are underway. What started as a one month resolution that I shared with some friends to try and get me to commit to a full month of squatting grew and I just kept going.
It’s been a lot of fun and if you want to join us pop over to the Facebook group, grab our February challenge planner and get exercising. Yes you heard me right, this year there’s a planner style tracker, perfect for those of you that love Bullet Journaling, fitness tracking or just having something to print out and tick off!
So what am I hoping for in 2019, better balance, better commitment to sharing on here and via social media and some solid races to train for. Let’s see how it goes eh?
So what about January? 3295 squats were done, I ran 149km, and did a bunch of cross-training too! I am still part of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss*, I’m signed up to the VIP program* as it gives me daily workouts (this stops me getting bored and means I don’t have to think) and I have started using Yogaia again…I even managed a few live classes. It’s amazing how you don’t realise how stiff and inflexible you are until you start yoga again.
Here’s how my month looked…
So what next? More running, I am spending as much weekend time running some hilly trails as I can. My goal race this year is long and lumpy and I want to be as ready for it as I can. More yoga, not only to help iron out the kinks but also try and bring some peace to my chaotic mind (and maybe try not to think about work whilst I am doing it), and a real push on my FASTer Way to Fat Loss strength sessions. These are essential to keep me trail fit!
What do you want to read about on here? Let me know and I will do what I can to keep things interesting for you!