Oh bother

Well that intention didn’t last long did it? I’m starting this post on my iPod Touch while I travel 18 stops westbound on the District line from Upton Park to Victoria, skipping from one meeting with an NHS trust to another. It’s this skipping that’s kept me from following through …

Twitter Lists

Twitter lists are slowly appearing across Twitter and I have to admit to being quite pleased.  What these allow you to do is add people to a list of your choosing (and in fact as many lists as you like) and it’s been something I’ve been after for quite some …

A post a day…

…hopefully keeps my readers interested. I have no story ideas or a desire to be a novelist so I won’t be joining a lot of my friends in partaking in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I don’t have the dedication to keep anything like that up for a week, let …

A tiny work update

Back at the end of April I blogged about the project I’m working on passing it’s initial milestone, it’s now nearing the end of July and it’s passed through it’s second Trustee’s board and is really starting to take shape.  When you’re working as a tight knit team it’s always …