Sand animation

Now I’m one of those people who are always impressed by other’s artistic abilities but am completely cack-handed when it comes to drawing or painting something myself. I wanted to share this sand animation site with you though as I’m sure you’ll be as impressed as I am. Having just …

Duck & cover!

Well I’ve just been checking on the Mammoth Mountain forum to see what the locals have to say about the in-coming storm and the weekend ahead….anyway I stumbled across this thread, it appears that just before 10am this morning we should have gone into “Duck & Cover” mode because there …

Can someone please build a snowdome in Belfast sharpish!

Well after over a year of talk, meetings, briefings and other stuff it’s finally been announced who’s won the contract to provide HR, recruitment and other services to the BBC…..yes, as from 1st April I’ll be owned by Capita (and not the cool snowboard company Capita), and joy of joys …

Big kids & Lassie

Well because it was a white out on the hill today we all finished early, but the lure of fresh snow was just too much and we went for a bit of a play on the golf course next door…… Joe & Steve It snowed here today Joe steezing it …