17:14 job done!
Excellent, word count for the day done, leaving my evening free to get a module of my coaching course done! Posted via email from IAmKat’s posterous
Excellent, word count for the day done, leaving my evening free to get a module of my coaching course done! Posted via email from IAmKat’s posterous
So there we have it, 17230 words and all is well. I’ve moved on to some detailed user guidance articles for the moment as I’m out of creative article ideas….on the plus side it means there’ll be clear written guidance for recruitment teams to read to their managers over the …
Yay! Still ahead of schedule 🙂 Posted via email from IAmKat’s posterous
Well it’s Sunday and despite a mammoth 2 hour afternoon nap I managed to beat the word count and am now over 10,000 words…stoked!
OK so NaBloPoMo is off the table because I missed yesterday, but I figured that I’d rather not post just for the sake of it just to tick the boxes. I am however still on track with NaNoWriMo, I did under-write yesterday but because I’d been quite wordy for days …