For Mr T fans everywhere
I’m sorry guys but I have to share this music video…’s so bad, it’s good…prepare to cringe!
I’m sorry guys but I have to share this music video…’s so bad, it’s good…prepare to cringe!
I’ve just received these in an email and they made me smile…..thought I’d share them for those who haven’t seen them yet:I realised I was dyslexic when I went to a toga party dressed as a goat.Marcus Brigstocke at the Assembly Rooms Cats have nine lives. Which makes them ideal …
This weekend was the 3rd of the AIM series this season so on Friday afternoon the boyf and I headed up in order to get a bit of sneaky practice in and a good nights sleep for the following day. 4.5 hours later we’d finally driven the 180 miles, dumped …
I’ve just stumbled across this blog, Eye Of The Storm, which to quote the contributors is “being brought to you by two guys too dumb to get out of the way of what is turning into one of the most destructive natural forces to hit the mainland U.S. ever. We …
Having enjoyed the Robot Food movies(Afterbang, Lame & After Lame) in previous seasons I was a touch disappointed (gutted if I’m truthful) earlier this year when I heard that the Robots were disbanding and going their separate ways. I’d heard that David Benedek had his own project this year and …