Well we all finally made it back to the UK on Sunday afternoon after a turbulent flight from LA, that said I think the journey The Boyf and I had back to Chelmsford had more ups and downs than the flight did.
When we all arrived back at Heathrow everyone went their separate ways, picked up by parents/loved ones or heading back by train. The Boyf and I had planned on hiring a car but with my drivers license and his credit card we couldn’t hire one, cash wasn’t an option apparently and being a Sunday they couldn’t check with the DVLA that The Boyf had a license too……so next stop was the Piccadilly Line to catch the tube to Liverpool St station (having dumped all our kit in left baggage), but no that wasn’t going to work either due to engineering work, so a 10 minute walk later we managed to get on the Heathrow Express train to Paddington. Here we bumped into Joe on his way to Kings Cross so we all hopped on the Circle Line. This part of the journey worked fine and The Boyf and I were soon at Liverpool Street where we hopped on the train.
So now we have the next problem, The Boyf was traveling on the “free weekend pass” part of my ticket but when checked by the conductor we found out that it hadn’t been valid for 6 months (despite us having used it about 10 times in that period and having had it checked as we boarded the train) so we had to pay another £6 for a ticket to get him home. It’s a good job we had English money at this point otherwise we’d have been looking at a hefty fine and possible arrest due to a change in train ownership and sloppy platform staff.
Still we made it home eventually and due to lack of transport, Tesco being closed and an empty fridge we headed out for Indian..Alll I can say is it was a pleasure to be home after being up for 24 hours and curry has never tasted better!
Anyway, that’s it for this blog, we’re home, safe & sound and won’t be posting anymore…..hope you’ve enjoyed it!