After last week’s races (especially that long one) we found ourselves chatting in the kitchen about running further. The Boyf (being faster than me) was concerned about managing to complete more laps at the SVN Challenges, without ending up going too fast for an ultra. Fifteen minutes later he questions whether Traviss is bugging us via the goody bags, because he has just announced a 100 Mile event!! There are also the options of a 6 hour, 12 hour or 24 hour challenge, but if you want the 100 Mile Buckle then you need to sign up for the 100 Miler (even if you are going to finish in under 24 hours). Normal people might ponder this a bit, it is obvious that the Boyf and I (OK it was me that did it) are not normal…..we are now signed up for our first 100 Mile event! 27 laps at Samphire Hoe….I was starting to get a bit bored at 5 laps on Wednesday but the idea behind it is we can focus on the distance, not on getting lost somewhere between point A & point B. We have until July 2016 to train for it and get our heads ready. I the meantime I also signed us up for 4 more marathons! So present “pending” counts sits at 11 marathons and 7 ultras. Did I mention I once announced I would never run further than 10km?
In other news, today sees the start of Juneathon, a month of exercising, logging and blogging. Today was a run free day (I’m tapering for a marathon on Sunday….yes I did run an ultra last week) and so there has been minimal exercise as it has also been a travel day. So day one of Juneathon has seen 30 squats and 8,290 steps walked. Not much but not a total cop out, and I promise there’ll be running tomorrow.
Well done you for pushing yourself to go further than you thought you could. I am impressed with your mileage.
Also good luck for your upcoming marathon
Thanks! I am looking forward to it as it is up in the Lake District so there’s lots of nice views to look at as I run
Good luck for the marathon on Sunday!
Wow! 100 miles! At least you’ve got plenty of time to prep! 🙂