I am running the British 10km race on 14 July (you can read why here), and I am finally starting to believe that I can get round without killing myself. Last night I managed to run just over 8km in an hour and I felt like I could keep going. Given that when I started training back in April I was doing run/walk of 90 seconds then I think I am allowed to feel a little bit proud of myself.
I’ve been using the Zombies, Run! 5k app on my iPhone to get me back into running again and give me a storyline to keep me motivated) and I have also been using the advice of the runcoach team as I got a free subscription as part of my race registration. I was actually due to be doing this week’s long run on Sunday but swapped it to last night to benefit from the rain and reduced hilliness of Basel rather than waiting for hills and hotness at home this weekend. I’m pleased I did as I easily followed the prescribed run 10min, walk 1 min cycle and got back to my hotel with a positive feeling for the race.
Scarily, I am looking forward to the race and will be happy if I can complete it using the same run/walk splits (maybe with more running towards the end if my legs are feeling it). I already have 2 more races scheduled for September, so the aim for this first one is to complete and survive and then I can work on improving my speed later this year.
If you can spare some change to sponsor The Boyf & I then it would be appreciated, but if you can’t then please just think happy supportive thoughts to keep us going as we race.